Words have power — and these inspiring quotes are guaranteed to challenge the way you think and perhaps even change the way you live.
Forgiving doesn't mean forgetting. Forgiving means accepting that it happened. Why angry?
Do you listen? Or hear?
Why do you compare when you are so unique and amazing? =)
The Impact
Don't only survive! But Live Life !
When you hit the bottom, there's no way but to go UP.
I am Who I Am !
Make the most of the time you have, because you can never get it back. Treasure every moment and dime.
The next time you say you're busy, know that it's an excuse. If you truly prioritize something, you will make time for it. Be it relationships, friendships, or something else — you always have time for anything if you make time.
Its your choice.
There's always two sides of the story. Why do u judge?
Don't stress about it =)
Their intention does not meet their actions.
Have patience. Sometimes, you can't rush things.
Appreciation and Thxful
Why lie?
U become who U think U are!
Choose Happiness.
Ask. Keep asking ...
Life goes on.
They continue to live in our heart.
Reality is always harsh
The secret to accomplishing great things at work is to love what you do. Keep taking the steps that will get you closer to a career you love.
Live in the present and don't let the past and future trip you up.